Sunday, June 11, 2006

Suicide as PR?

As if the moral justifications for its continuing detention of untried prosoners at Gitmo weren't already thin enough, the new BushCorp™ line is that the suicides of three of its inmates were mere public relations.

A MILITARY investigation into the suicides of three inmates at Guantanamo Bay was under way yesterday as American officials sought to counter international condemnation over the deaths, dismissing them as a “PR stunt” aimed at discrediting the US.

The suicides by hanging of the three men, two Saudis and one Yemeni, on Saturday sparked renewed calls from foreign governments and human rights groups for the military facility to be closed or moved.

About 465 foreign nationals are being held there without charge, some for almost four years. Yesterday, however, Colleen Graffy, a senior State Department official, dismissed the suicides as a “good PR move to draw attention” and “a tactic to further the jihadi cause”.

Ah yes, just good PR. Damn terrorists. Not only are they beating our Army to death in the dusty, IED strewn streets of Iraq, they're challenging the US in the only other area (besides our military) where we felt we had clear global dominance: marketing.

I hope this doesn't give Ron Popeil any ideas.

Or maybe I do.

1 comment:

Steve Kang said...

Great letter.

Even after 6 years of this, BushCorp™ can still stun me with their stupidity.

What's even more amazing is that someone higher up had obviously approved that talking point, as it showed up in several different reactions from admin officials.