Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Over the weekend Mrs. CaliBlogger and I made the long slog into the San Fernando valley (Reseda specifically) to meet two cats.

Their human, David, had died recently after a long illness, and his friend, Connie was at her wits' end trying to place two adult indoor cats.

Both cats were strays David had adopted and raised, and it was immediately obvious both were traumatized by their loss.

Lord Gilligan (don't ask me, David took that story with him) and Jessica were both shy and withdrawn. Mrs. Caliblogger, on the other hand is a sensitive, but determined soul who, to everyone's surprise but my own, was able to charm (and stroke) some responsiveness into them.

After an hour of getting to know one another (though the deal was done in the first moment I believe) we decided they should come stay with us. While I loaded sundry cat belongings in our car Mrs. C poured Lord Gilligan into his carrier (poured indeed, grief hasn't lessened their appetites apparently). Jessica, the younger and more sprightly of the pair was. however, having none of it, hiding out of reach beneath a couch.

Eventually four humans were able to outsmart our feline adversary (fortunately the couch was light) and coax her into her carrier for the trip back to our home in Pasadena.

Traffic was mercifully light on the 134, and the cats were mercifully quiet for the trip. Some cats complain (quite loudly) when frightened, but others just get very still, Jessica and Lord G are the latter.

After we got home it took hours for them to leave their carriers, but leave they did, and the house is now theirs.

They still start at loud noises and sudden moves, but as they climb into bed with Mrs. C (who's now asleep) I can only believe they're as happy to be here as we are to have them.

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