Saturday, April 29, 2006

Can't we just call it Watergate-gate?

Better and better.

Just when you think the self-immolation of the Republican party couldn't be more complete, another revelation crops up to add yet more evidence of GOP corruption.

In fact, the only element that's been missing from the DeLay-Abramoff-Cunningham-Safavian-AIPAC-Rumsfeld-Brownie, et alia, et alia set of GOP greed, corruption, incompetence, & c., & c. story, has been the one thing that REALLY catches the public's attention: sex.

Courtesy of my erstwhile hometown paper, the San Diego Union-Tribune:

Federal prosecutors are reviewing records of two Washington, D.C., hotels where Poway defense contractor Brent Wilkes rented suites as part of their investigation into whether prostitutes were involved as he tried to curry favor with lawmakers and CIA officials.

Wilkes, whom federal prosecutors have identified as a co-conspirator in the bribery case of former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham, rented hospitality suites in the capital on behalf of his flagship company, ADCS Inc.

As The San Diego Union-Tribune reported in December, the suites – first at the Watergate Hotel and then at the Westin Grand Hotel – had several bedrooms where lawmakers and other guests could relax.

Federal investigators are trying to determine whether Cunningham and other legislators brought prostitutes to the hotels or prostitutes were provided for them there, according to a report in yesterday's Wall Street Journal that was confirmed by the Union-Tribune. [Emphasis mine-SK]

I love the last line highlighted: are trying to determine whether Cunningham and other legislators brought prostitutes to the hotels or prostitutes were provided for them there. Think about it.

Yep, that's the controversy, did Wilkes et al. provide the hookers for the congresscritters, or did they bring them themselves?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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