Monday, December 04, 2006

In other news, dog bites man...

I'm with Arianna on the shocking, shocking revelation in the NYT that, you'd better take a seat, that HILLARY CLINTON IS CONSIDERING RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!

OK, take a few deep breaths before we continue.



Actually the NYT article is a case in point on one (though not all) of the problems with Hill.

Hillary strikes me as Kerry redux, without his warm fuzzy charm.

My worry is that the Hill machine will suck all the air out of the nominating process, limiting the Democratic choices and chances.

I may or may not support Bayh, Vilsack, Obama, Richardson et al., but I'd damn well like to hear what they have to say and see how they respond to the pressures of a national campaign.

If she wins the nomination I'll vote for her (given the character of the potential Republican field to date I don't foresee any options there), but I'll do so with a weary sigh at best.


whatnext said...

And, of course, Hillary's character is beyond reproach.

Citizen Kang said...

Of course.
