Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Pre-kindergartner packs heat

From Yahoo news:

AUSTIN, Texas - A pre-kindergarten student brought a handgun to school, where it was seized by a fifth-grader and turned over to the principal, school district officials said Tuesday.

The 5-year-old reportedly displayed the loaded weapon outside the Blanton Elementary School cafeteria where students were gathered before class. The fifth-grader recognized it was real and took it to the principal.
Wimpy liberal types might claim this an example of the gun-culture disease that's rampant in America. Not me though:
[I]nvestigators do not believe the 5-year-old intended to harm any students.

...Their conclusion is the child was not really aware how serious his actions were.
Really, give the kid a break, he was probably just confused and thought he was living in Florida and needed the protection.

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